Check out these books for teens about video games, whether it’s about gamers themselves or simply based on a video game.
Modern Reads for Fans of Classic Children’s Books
Here are some recent books to try based on three classic stories: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe; Anne of Green Gables; and The Giver.
First Books for New Readers
Here are some of our favourite series that are great for brand new readers. These books have short sentences, a small amount of text on each page, and a lot of word repetition.
Children’s Graphic Novels Go Back to the 90s
If you were a kid in the 90s, you may have read these series that are now making a comeback as graphic novels!
5 YA Books for International Transgender Day of Visibility 2024
Celebrate International Transgender Day of Visibility by picking up one of these YA books featuring trans characters and written by trans authors.
Getting Started with Chapter Books
For children learning to read, transitioning to chapter books can be both exciting and challenging.
Children’s Books that Make Great Gifts 2023
Looking for the perfect books to give to the children in your life? Here are some noteworthy 2023 books that would make great gifts.
Tips for Summer Reading
Kids put in a lot of hard work to build up their reading skills over the school year, and summer reading is essential to keeping up those skills.
Picture Books for Older Readers
Picture books aren't just for young children! Here are some of our favourites for older kids, teens, and even adults.
Children’s Books That Make Great Gifts
Books make great gifts, but how do you decide which book to get? Here are some of our favourite books to help you find a new book for the child in your life.
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