Tech Help

Technology Help

Tech Help Service

Whether you have specific questions about a digital device or would just like a hand getting started, we can help.

Computer Classes and Tutoring

Online Technology Lessons

Improve your skills on your own schedule with these suggested tutorials.

Digital Learn

A website for digital literacy training, created by the Public Library Association.

Alberta Digital Literacy Program

Free provincial program to help improve computer and internet skills. Both beginner and intermediate levels are offered.

Spotting Misinformation Online: LinkedIn Learning Course

A short course about how to quickly determine the accuracy and reliability of information you find online. Library ID for login: sclibrary

Windows 11 Essentials on LinkedIn Learning

Whether you're new to Windows or upgrading, this course will help you work effectively with this newest OS. Library ID for login: sclibrary

Technology Help Just for YouTechnology Help Just for You

If you need help using your computer or device and one of our classes doesn't work for you, we offer personalized, one-on-one help with our experts. 

Help with eBooks and Our Digital Collection


  • In late 2024, OverDrive discontinued universal access to downloading MP3s. However, if you need this file type for accessibility reasons (i.e., print disability), library staff can request an MP3 for you.

    Fill out this MP3 request form and a staff member will be in touch.

    Remember that CELA and NNELS also offer accessible formats.

  • If you search for a title, author or series in Libby that returns no results, Libby will automatically do a “deep search” to display relevant titles that are not currently in our collection but are available for us to purchase. You can apply a "Notify Me" smart tag to be notified if we add the title to our collection in the future.

    Note: Due to budgetary constraints, adding a "Notify Me" smart tag does not guarantee that we will be able to purchase the title.

    Read more about the "Notify Me" tag by visiting the Libby Help website.

  • Yes, you can use iOS VoiceOver, Android TalkBack, and desktop screen readers (like NVDA and JAWS). Learn more about Libby's accessibility features by visiting the Libby Help website, opens a new window.

  • The maximum loan times for digital content vary depending on the service.

    • Libby/OverDrive eBooks, audiobooks: 10 at a time (3 bestsellers)
    • Libby/OverDrive magazines: unlimited
    • hoopla (all formats): 4 per month
    • Freading eBooks: 3 per week

    Others do not have loan limits (LinkedIn Learning, PressReader); you access the content as needed or download and keep.

  • Yes. Staff at the information desk can help you with this if you come into the library or call 780-410-8601. We can also book an hour-long one-on-one appointment to go through the processes in-depth.

    You will also find self-guided tutorials about downloading eBooks and other digital library content at Online Resources and Tech Help

Niche Academy

Niche Academy Video Tutorials

Learn how to use the library's online resources with this series of video tutorials.

Tech Tips

Teen Reads for Gamers

If you love getting immersed in video games, check out these books about gamers or that are based on a video game.

Tech Help Is for Everyone

"I'm sorry I'm not very tech-savvy" is something we hear a lot at the library. But no one needs to apologize for asking for help.

Picking Your Pictures

If you have a modern phone, you likely have a camera as part of it. And you probably take pictures. So. many. pictures.

Freedom to Read Week and Filter Bubbles

It's impossible to have a reading experience that's free from any outside influence, but considering those influences is important.
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