Great Reads for Teens

Great Reads for Teens

Great Reads for Teens

New to the Library


Genre Staff Picks

YA Adventure

Action-packed books for teens.

YA Fantasy

Recommended fantasy books for teens.

YA Funny Reads

Funny fiction and nonfiction for teens.

YA Historical Fiction

Travel back in time with these historical picks! From 1890 to 1990.

Nonfiction Booklists

Quick Reads: Non-Fiction

Short teen nonfiction reads.

Mental Health Resources

Nonfiction for teens about mental health.

Queer Resources

Teen nonfiction on LGBTQIA+ topics.

Truth and Reconciliation for Teens

Books and online resources for learning about Truth and Reconciliation.

If You Liked... Heartstopper

Contemporary romance with strong LGBTQIA+ representation.

Quick Reads: Graphic Novels

Favourite graphic novels for teens.

YA Books for Tweens

These are some of our favorite titles for readers transitioning to YA books.

If You Liked... The Inheritance Games

Check out these tantalizing mysteries featuring puzzles, large casts of characters, or a fast pace to keep the suspense heightened.

Online Resources

OverDrive Teens

Borrow eBooks, eAudiobooks and magazines from the library's collection of popular digital titles for teens.

PressReader Magazines

Explore full-colour, full-page magazines from around the world!

hoopla Streaming Music

Stream full music albums with no waitlists.
Novelist Plus, your next great read is just clicks away

NoveList Plus: Your Next Great Read Is Just Clicks Away

Novelist: This powerful tool helps even the pickiest of readers find their next great read.

OverDrive Teens

Borrow eBooks, eAudiobooks and magazines from the library's collection of popular digital titles for teens.

PressReader Magazines

Explore full-colour, full-page magazines from around the world!

hoopla Streaming Music

Stream full music albums with no waitlists.
Novelist Plus, your next great read is just clicks away

NoveList Plus: Your Next Great Read Is Just Clicks Away

Novelist: This powerful tool helps even the pickiest of readers find their next great read.
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