It’s our Anniversary!

Part of the community's story for 45 years.

Strathcona County Library opened to the public on February 14, 1977 on the main floor of County Hall (it was the seventies, so yes, it featured potted ferns). Five years later, our Bookmobile hit the road to bring regular service to residents in rural neighbourhoods. For a while, to make way for other County services, the library moved to a sunny space at the back of the Sherwood Park Mall. Then in 2010, we re-opened as the first service to be offered from the Strathcona County Community Centre.

Library staff have offered programs and services from all kinds of other spaces too: from community buildings, on buses, in schools, from spray parks, at rural halls, by bicycle, from booths, under tents, and via websites. We have had so much fun connecting with residents wherever they are, and we're so happy to have been a part of this community's story for 45 years. 

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