Shaping Our Library Together

Mark your calendars – the library’s next chapter starts soon!

What we're doing:
Every three to five years, libraries create a new service plan to ensure we are serving the current needs of our community. We then use that plan to inform everything we do.

How we're doing it:
To make sure our new service plan reflects the needs of Strathcona County residents, we want to hear from as many community voices and perspectives as possible.  We want to know what draws you to the library, what might be missing, and how we can make our services more welcoming and accessible for everyone in our community.

How to participate:
Visit County Voice from October 1–22, 2024 to share your input via an online survey. There will also be in-person opportunities for you to share your ideas.

What we hear from you will help Strathcona County Library identify gaps in our services or opportunities to try something different. We will use the input we’ve collected from across the community to help us write our upcoming three-year service plan.

Bookmark this page and stay tuned for more information!

We welcome your respectful and on-topic comments and questions in this limited public forum. To find out more, please see Appropriate Use When Posting Content. Community-contributed content represents the views of the user, not those of Strathcona County Library