Preschool Summer Reading Game
Animal Expedition
Roll the dice to visit animal friends on our interactive gameboard and read your way through the summer. On Food Bank Fridays, bring in a non-perishable food item and earn an extra roll of the dice! To play, drop by the game table at the library any time.

Kids' Summer Reading Game
Animal Expedition
Set off on a trip around the world to see as many animals as you can! Roll the dice, read or listen to a book of your choice and earn prizes as you travel around the gameboard. On Food Bank Fridays, bring in a non-perishable food item and earn an extra roll of the dice! To play, drop by the game table at the library any time.

Teen Summer Challenge
Embrace that summertime feeling by participating in our summer challenge. Every time you complete an activity, enter your name in a draw for the gift basket of your choice!
Starting June 27, download a Game Package for details, or pick one up at the main floor Information Desk or Bookmobile.
TSC Prizes
Teen Summer Challenge is now closed! Thanks for playing.
Adult Summer Challenge
Join the weekly activities online or in person—it's easy to win from wherever you are! Download a Game Package for details, or pick one up at the main floor Information Desk.
Build a Better BiblioCommons
Add your opinion about materials in the library’s collection through our online catalogue. Rate a title or post a review.
Creative Corner
Each week you’ll find a new creative activity to complete, posted below.
Book in a Jar
See if you can guess the book in the jar using the scraps of book for clues. Each week's challenge is posted below.
Tale Spin
Spin the wheel to find some inspiration and push your reading boundaries! Check out a title in the category that the wheel lands on, then tell us what you decided to try.
Tale Spin Suggestions
Tale Spin Suggestions
The Summer Games are now closed. Thanks for playing!
Example Catalogue Review
Bookmobile Summer Reading Game
Crazy About Critters
Get ready to embark on a wild reading adventure filled with fascinating facts and exciting stories! Whether you’re obsessed with octopuses, crazy for cats or mad about monkeys, register at the Bookmobile and receive a charm bracelet. Read and return your reading log to collect critter charms all summer. The more you read the more critter charms you earn!
All activities take place at the Bookmobile.

Bookmobile Summer Events
Thank You to Our Sponsors

Mattamy Homes has generously sponsored our Preschool, Kids, Teens, and Bookmobile Summer Games.

Inter Pipeline has generously sponsored our Adult Summer Challenge.
Haunted Canada
Spine-tingling tales you may not want to read before bed! This first Haunted Canada graphic novel contains four spooky short stories, each depicted by…
Read more of this comment about Haunted Canada