New to Our Kits Collection: Radon Testers and Pet Microchip Scanners

We've also added new selections to our Memory Kits collection.

We're excited to announce that the library has added several new items to its collection of kits. Of course the library has your back for endless reading and entertainment, but we also strive to support skills building, community sharing, and all types of literacy, including physical and wellness. With that in mind, we've been growing our "kits of things" collection for several years. These kits include the tools and information you need to get started on a variety of activities, often carefully curated by partner organizations who are experts on the topic.

Most recently, we've added two new types of kits: Radon Testing and Pet Microchip Scanners. We also added several Tactile Memory Kits to our popular Memory Kits collection, which aim to engage people experiencing memory loss.

Radon Testing Kits

Radon is a radioactive gas that comes from the breakdown of uranium in the ground. Build-up of this gas in your home is problematic because exposure to radon is the number one cause of lung cancer for non-smokers. Periodically testing any home that has a ground level is a good way to mitigate risk. The Alberta Lung Association has provided Airthing screening devices, which allow you to test radon levels for several weeks. Any library-card holder can check out a tester for up to three weeks for no charge.

Note: Radon Testing Kits are only available during the fall and winter (September through April) as radon testing is less accurate in the warmer months. Also, these screeners are intended for getting an initial reading of radon levels. If your levels are high, it is recommended to follow up with longer-term testing.

Pet Microchip Scanners

Found a dog? A wandering cat? Adopted a new family member and wondering if they have a microchip? Pet Microchip Scanners can check for existing microchips in your furry friend. You can also use it to update your contact information or check if a chip is working. These are free to borrow for library-card holders for up to two weeks.

Tactile Memory Kits

About a year ago, we launched Memory Kits: themed items designed to spark conversation and engagement with the elderly and those with memory loss. This year, we're adding several Tactile Kits, which include hands-on activities such as puzzles, handicrafts, paints, and fidget widgets to help facilitate connection and stimulate imagination. We hope you check out this special collection of items that encourage collaboration and storytelling! Free to borrow for up to three weeks.

And these are just our new kits! Explore some of our other kits on our Kits page or in the following list.

Our Kits of Things

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